Íæż½ã½ã has launched its new 5-year strategic plan, setting out a vision that places students, communities, and workforce needs at the heart of our mission. At a special event held just before half-term, representatives from across the college’s network of stakeholders came together to celebrate the unveiling of the plan, based on the college’s mission, “Aiming High, Changing Lives.”
With extensive input from governors, staff, students, employers, partners, and the local community, our strategic plan was shaped to ensure it reflects the diverse perspectives and priorities of Íæż½ã½ã’s community.
Karen Redhead OBE, Principal and CEO of Íæż½ã½ã, said: “It’s been developed very much in collaboration with the whole, wider college community and we feel we’ve given everybody a voice. We think our new mission statement very much describes the life-changing work that we do on a daily basis, with our learners always at the heart of everything that we do.”
Ed Richardson, Programme Director – People & Skills at BusinessLDN, spoke at the launch, saying: “It’s really good to see some of the core priorities from the London Skills Improvement Plan coming through in the college’s plan for the next five years, particularly the focus on digital skills, sustainability and green skills, but also that focus on employability and transferable skills that young people are going to need to thrive in the future.”
Anna Gration, Skills and Employment Partnerships Director at West London Business, added: “We were instrumental in being involved in the consultation. The focus on upskilling local residents is fantastic and I’m really excited for the future and what it holds.”
Also in attendance was Chris Wright, Head of Programme Delivery, Skills and Employment at the Greater London Authority (GLA), who said: “On behalf of the Mayor, who invests in adult skills in the college, it’s brilliant to be here and for the college to have such a strong plan.”
Rhys Thomas, Head of Territory – Skills Group, from the Department for Education, added: “The college has made huge improvements over the last few years and we’re delighted to partner with them on their strategic goals going forward.”
The strategy identifies four priority areas for the college, culture, skills, excellence and sustainability, alongside three essential enablers – digital, estate and finances – required to achieve our goals. The plan is measurable, with a series of key performance indicators for each of the priority areas and enablers. You can find our full strategic plan here.