Our Student Services team are on-hand to ensure you are well-supported, comfortable, and safe, whilst studying with us at Íæż½ã½ã. They provide high-quality advice and guidance, organise enrichment activities to help you get involved in college life, and offer a ‘listening ear’ if you need someone to talk to.
Some of the services on offer include:
We have a fully-trained team of careers and work experience advisors, who will support you during your studies.
If you are aged 16-18 and enrolled onto a study programme, you will need to complete a mandatory one-week work experience placement to help you gain the skills you need for work. We encourage you to start looking for your work experience placement as soon as possible. You will have the support of a dedicated work experience advisor throughout your course.
For more information, please visit the Careers Advice page.
We are committed to ensuring you get the best possible support for your studies. We understand that finances can be one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in order to reach your potential. There are a range of bursaries and schemes to help support you financially whilst studying at college. These depend on your age, the course you are studying and your personal circumstances. For more information, please see the Course Fees and Financial Help page.
We have targeted events and activities in line with national events such as Black History Month, Pride Month, Mental Health Awareness Week, National Refugee Awareness Day, and Christmas Jumper Day, alongside a host of information-based events supporting our diverse community.
Each of our colleges has a shared common room for students, with a range of fun activities, such as table tennis, pool and more.
You will be able to take part in a mixture of one-off and regular events, activities, clubs and societies. We also encourage you to lead your own activities, clubs and events, with support from our staff.
At Íæż½ã½ã, we pride ourselves on being student-led. We have Student Unions with Student Representatives, who are catalysts for change, acting as the voice of their peers and as a representative for the college. Becoming an officer will help you to gain invaluable skills for future employment and support your personal and professional growth. Many of our Student Representatives help at our college open days and other events, promoting the college to the future generation of students.
We also hold regular Learner Voice sessions, where you can feedback on important issues concerning you. We take action and update the college community on the latest from these sessions with ‘you said, we did’ posters around all college sites.
Being a student brings new or different life challenges. We have a dedicated service and advisor for students who are living in care or have recently left care, offering some one-to-one support while you are at college such as guidance around finance, updating your Social Worker or signposting to support.
We offer one-to-one support and guidance to help students get the most out of their time at college, from techniques for increased motivation or stress management, to support with organisation or managing workload. We can also connect you to a wide range of partner organisations to support with sexual health, homelessness, improving your general health and wellbeing, and more.
Our student advisors offer specialist support which may require a confidential space. They are trained and experienced to listen and help you to discuss anything that is worrying you, causing anxiety or affecting your ability to study, no matter how big or small. If you have any concerns or worries whilst in college, do not hesitate to drop in and see us. If you need to talk, we will listen.
We have a partnership with Mind and other local organisations if you need support with your mental health. Our dedicated advisor may be able to support you in accessing services both in and outside college, managing symptoms and recommending techniques and strategies to stay healthy at college.